Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

APARTMENTS BOOKS, together with its partners (we), (us), has established the following
privacy policy statement that you see in front of you and is resolutely committed to the security and protection of your (Site User) privacy.


You understand and agree to be governed by the terms of this Privacy Policy set by APARTMENTS BOOKS. If, in any case, you may not agree or accept this privacy statement, it is strictly advised to discontinue usage of the Website.

Your Information

We acquire information during the course of your visit that is either personal to you or general in nature:

Personal Information

APARTMENTS BOOKS uses Personal Information for a variety of purposes, including: account registration (e.g., your name, telephone number, and email address); billing information, purchasing, transaction, and credit card information (should you decide to make a purchase with us); and data regarding your interests, demographics, experiences and contact preferences. We collect/obtain information in order to provide you more communication regarding your purchase of our services.

We are allowed to maintain a database or a copy of any correspondence you send to APARTMENTS BOOKS via the Website or the given email address on the Website.

General Information

APARTMENTS BOOKS  uses General Information to help make the Website more useful to visitors (including to assist us in determining the content of interest of our visitors), and for other purposes such as determining the Websites’ technical design parameters and detecting the performance of the system or trouble spots, monitoring operation on the Website, conducting audits, assessing patterns, enhancing functionality, and otherwise monitoring the way the Website is used.

This general information does not identify you individually and can comprise of data such as your IP address, the time and date you access the Website, time duration you spend on the Website, the browsing history (recorded by the text and graphics files that compose that page), the Website’s Internet address from which you connect directly to our Website, and other such ‘General Information.’ This Policy does not apply to any further data collected (offline or via channels other than this Website.)

We use the information we collect through your use of our Services to:

  • Process your item, particular Service, data, or feature requests and orders;
  • Answer your complaints and comments regarding your purchase/order/listing and communicate with you about it;
  • Mailing you administrative notifications, such as customer and service provider announcements/notifications, notices of changes/modifications to our Service, and amendments/alterations to our agreements;
  • Sending you up to date information regarding any new properties listing, services, activities, promotions, newsletters, and other accessible material through email or text messages (which you can opt-out of at any time);
  • Sending push notifications to communicate updates and other relevant messages promptly
  • Maintain your account and account preferences;
  • Assist with Services’ technical functioning, which involves troubleshooting and solving issues, securing the Services, and counteracting fraud, scam, and abuse;
  • Solicit feedback from users;
  • Market products, services, and promotions;
  • Market Subscription Plans to potential customers;
  • Learn more about you by combining your information with that of third parties and/or analyzing the information with the help of analytical service providers.;
  • Advance in our Services and progress new products, services, and features;
  • Analyze trends and website traffic, track purchase history, and track usage data;
  • Market the Services we provide on third-party Websites and applications;
  • As required or authorized by legislation; or
  • As we, in our sole discretion, otherwise determine to be necessary to guarantee the protection, safety, and integrity of our users, workers, third parties, the public, or our Services.


Third Parties

APARTMENTS BOOKS may employ people to assist us with specific business operations. Data analysis organizations, customer service professionals, Webhosting firms, and businesses that execute product orders or manage mailings are examples of companies we may hire. Access to your personal information may be granted to such third parties only to the degree necessary for them to fulfill their duties. They are not authorized to use this relevant data for any other purpose.

Data Privacy

APARTMENTS BOOKS guarantees that all information submitted will be kept private. Private data, including Personal Data, is never used or misused by us. We do not share or sell personal information with other companies, groups, or people.


We place a greater priority on protecting your private information, details, and data. We take all reasonable precautions to safeguard your Personal Information from unauthorized/unlawful access or use. However, we cannot assure that the Personal Information you (the user) provide, send, express, or communicate via this Website or email is entirely safe and secured.

Terms of Use & Changes to this Statement

Your use of the APARTMENTS BOOKS Website is subject to this Privacy Statement and governed by our Terms of Use, including its choice of law provisions. We retain the right to amend and modify the Policy at any time, and these changes/modifications/alterations will be made when deems appropriate, promptly. We actively reassure you to analyze our Policy on a regular basis to ensure that you are aware of and up to date on any changes we make.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, objections, or suggestions about these terms and conditions, please feel free to communicate with us at, and we will get back to you.